
The RainSoft TC Series water conditioning system softens, filters, reduces ferrous iron, clarifies and polishes your water to give you and abundant supply of luxuriously conditioned water throughout your home.
An electronic timer automatically controls the entire operating program. Its versatile, easy-to-set and delivers an abundance of conditioned water.
Exclusive Composite Valve
Uses advanced NORYL™ composite material to enhance strength and protect the valve from expansion or shrinkage due to pressure and temperature demands.
Electronic Timer
Simple yet versatile controls. Set id and forget it; enjoy an unlimited supply of conditioned water.
Power Outage Recovery
If power is lost during the regeneration process, the EC4 will automatically recover and complete the process once power is restored. This feature ensures that all scheduled regeneration cycles are never missed, and that soft water is always available.
Powerful High Torque Motor
Self-lubricating and with power to spare, for maintenance-free, long life operation.
Large Porting & Internal Piping
The TC conditioner provides generous water flow rates.*
Proportional Rinsing
Every TC Series control automatically calculates the exact amount of water required for rinsing. This “Green” feature ensures that the system uses the least amount of water needed for regeneration.
Automatic Bypass During Regeneration
There is no chance of being without water, during regeneration process.
Conditioning Resin
The resin possesses an unusually high conditioning capacity and resistance to bead breakage, especially important in chlorinated water supplies. Filters and reduces ferrous iron.1
Optional Activated Carbon
Specially graded and treated activated carbon clarifies and polishes your water.
Large Salt Refill Opening Quick.
Easy. And no spills.
Tank-Within-A-Tank Construction
Rugged tank is wound with miles of glass filament for extraordinary strength. Inside, there’s another tank of sanitary plastic so your drinking water will never touch the interior fiberglass surface.
Internal Program Backup
The system incorporates a super-capacitor that retains program memory. No need to reset the system in case of power outages.
How the TC Series Works
Step 1: Water enters RainSoft’s exclusive rugged control valve and flows down through the EC4 resin tank.
Step 2: The water is filtered and treated as it passes through the special “ion exchange” resin. Hardness ions are ionically retained in and on the resin. The optional carbon bed further polishes and clarifies the water.
Step 3: Once completely conditioned, the water exits the resin tank through the riser pipe and out the control valve.
Step 4: At metered intervals, the unit begins a regeneration process. Using salt as a regenerant, the retained hardness ions are flushed out of the system and down the drain. The unit then prepares itself for the next conditioning cycle.*
Other Benefits
- All high-strength ABS enclosures fit tightly to protect control components from outside elements.
- Ultraviolet inhibitor prevents degradation of materials by sunlight in outside installations.
- Brine tank is equipped with overflow protection to protect against overflow due to power outages during regeneration.
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